Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life: Wanderings

The way people wander around is a really good indicator of their personality. Some people wander in big groups always talking and chatting. Other go around in small groups everyone being in on one random conversation. Then there are the twos, they are those annoying couples you'd like to glare at for being too lovey dovey, the couples that act like human beings, the old couples, odd couples, and best friends that just do things either one of them can thing of. The last group is the soloists.
I am one of the latter tonight, sipping on my white mocha typing on a laptop like I'm some sort of annoying writer. But, Ha! I'm an annoying blogger! The big difference being that I don't have an even more annoying person dubbed my editor leaning over my should criticizing everything I write down and how I say it. I do that enough on my own thank you very much.
Now back to what I was saying. Got to get to the point or you kids with your game boys and cell phones with mobile tv will get bored and stop reading. That's right I know about you! And I'm watching. Don't make me send the hobos after you. You can get four of the to work for you for the night for just one cooked chicken. Very cost effective and they listen really well. So long as you don't mind the smell.
And in a fantastic leap that takes me to the core of what today's blog is about. Well I call it a blog, its really just nonsense, but if you've read this far you might as well stick it out till I'm done. Anyway the wanderings of people is a very interesting thing. So many people do different things every single day as they go around doing people things like people do. As I have an annoying habit of my brain jotting down and taking note of what I see, this make me a people watcher. No you pervert not THAT kind of people watcher! I'm in public for god's sake. There are kids within 15 feet of me. Though they are kind of young and personally I think its irresponsible they aren't being shuffled home already.
What? Oh yes I said the topic of the day was wanderings. I'll leave the brat alone for another time when they really piss me off [Insert clip of brain griffin yelling at baby in a Denny's]. No I'm not really going to cut to a clip of that but you get the idea! Because that's just how my mind wanders around. From the kids to the chubby guys slurping his soup in front of me, to the cute asain girl sitting about 10 feet away, and to the rest of the place with people that some of them I recognize their face, but I'm kind of bad with names. Well at least I'm not as bad as Leno, abusing people on the street and asking random questions. I bet he hunts down the ones that are drunk or high but don't show it on the surface. I mean really how many stupid people can you find. Unless its all set up and he tells them to give stupid answers...nahh that'd be too much work and too much time away from his car collection. There's an idea! Let's get Jay to lend us one of his cars and drive around the country. That'd be a real wandering adventure. We have him ship it here and then just drive wherever the hell we want. And cause its not my car I wouldn't be uneasy about other people driving it. Oh and before I'm out of time here's the japanese word of the day:

This is pronounced "yuushi". There are a few different ways to write and say wanderer, the two symbols in this one each me "to play" and "child" respectively. So you could say it means to wander around to where you want to without feeling you need to go anywhere. Which I think is cool and so should you! People need to be more truthful with themselves and do what they want to do. There's no shame in expressing who you are and going where you want to go. LIVE THE LIFE OF A VAGABOND! You can still have a place to sleep and lots of places have free interest [insert creepy craig smile] hahaha. Well I've gotten bored with you and this topic that has wasted my precious wandering time. Good night to you, I'll have the hobo see you to the door at once!

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